Karma - is it not a theory? Can it be proved?
Rebirth - Is it not a theory? Can it be proved?
God - Existence of God is also in theory. Can it be proved that God exist?
However I also do not believe that Human evolved from Monkeys so goes the Darwin Theory. It is also a theory. Look at a peacock feather, it can't be created just by Nature... and.. what is Nature? Is it living? So in theory there must be a great designer, a great architect.. someone called God. Who is God? Why are we born? Why has he created this Universe, this Earth and Humans? Is it for his fun? He enjoys watching us suffer as humans? God created humans and Humans created toys. A Toy is alive as long as there is a battery. It dies after the battery life is over and same way we die. Are not we same as a toy?
As a boy, we dreamt of being scientist, doctor, Engg, Businessman.. As a young man we wanted to marry.. to have children.. to have money.. to have social status... and we achieve a lot of it and then either we are tired, we give up or we are satisfied with what we have. We look for peace. Typical Mid-Age crisis. The wheel moves on. We get old, our children start getting independent and soon they are on their own. We still can continue to strive and work or we may give up to retirement. Life goes on, we keep on getting older and older and alone and wait for death to happen.
What is the point? God, Karma, Rebirth and all... all theories... has anyone ever seen God? We pray and look for peace, salvation. A fish does not know what lies beyond the water and same way it is true for human. Einstein and Stephan Hawking has spoken about the forth dimension... time and space.
Other interesting point, thousands of years, nothing has changed. You can say, we have mobiles, we can talk and skype and google and all... but in fact nothing has changed. We have hunger, joy, pain, sorrow, happiness, love, jealousy just like thousands of years. The way a child is born, the food we eat, breath, feelings and all nothing has changed. What god created remain same.
So, where is god? Why is he hidden? Or we are dumb just like a fish or a toy? Are we intelligent? Mysteries and mysteries. Theories and Theories. We live, we enjoy and we die... hoping that we will be born again.. why? why god does it? If if not God then who does it?